This documentary focuses on a group of German and Austrian refugees who were deported from Britain in the summer of 1940 and sent to a Canadian prison camp. These civilian refugees, most of them Jews, were ironically labeled as "dangerous enemy aliens" by the Canadian government, which has since grudgingly acknowledged that the internment was unnecessary.
Both Sides of the Wire (based on a book by Ted Jones) reunites the prisoners of war fifty years after their ordeal, detailing the political circumstances which led to their imprisonment, recalling the atmosphere of the camp, and exploring the effect the experience had on their lives.
- Video Rating Guide for Libraries
" a gentle story, full of interesting first-hand accounts of a little-known episode "
- Stephen Pedersen, The Chronicle Herald 1993
Home Use DVD:
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Classroom/Library Use DVD: $195
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Both Sides of the Wire
Canada, 1993, 51 minutes, color
Directed by Neal LivingstonPublic Exhibition formats: 16mm, Beta, DVD