3 NOMINATIONS Including Best Actor, Israeli Academy Awards
AUDIENCE AWARD, Reheboth Beach Independent Film Festival, 2007
Jerusalem International Film Festival (2006)
UK Jewish Film Festival (2007)
Palm Springs International Film Festival (2007)
Munich Film Festival (2007)
Atlanta Jewish Film Festival (2007)
Central New Jersey Jewish Film Festival (2007)
Chicago Festival of Israeli Cinema (2007)
San Diego Jewish Film Festival (2008)
Sacramento Jewish Film Festival (2008)
Denver Jewish Film Festival (2008)
Israel Nonstop, NYC (2008)
Israel Nonstop, NYC (2008)
Washington Jewish Film Festival (2008)
Winnipeg International Jewish Film Festival (2009)
Summer Israeli Film Series, Houston Jewish Film Festival (2009)
Festival Internacional de Cine Judio en la Argentina (2010)
In Tel Aviv in the 1960s 10-year-old Hilik knows his goal in life–to make his parents happy and compensate for the grief they both suffered in the Holocaust. The fragile equilibrium of Rivka and Moishe’s new, post-war life begins to waver when Moishe convinces himself that Yankele, his son from his first marriage, didn't actually die in Auschwitz, but rather survived to become the “Jack Waldman” he sees pictured in a newspaper. When a deluded Moishe writes a letter to Waldman, Hilik takes matters into his own hands.
A coming-of-age story written and directed by the son of survivors, Dear Mr. Waldman beautifully captures the milieu of mid-century Israel and the peculiarities of growing up amid the emotional wreckage of the Holocaust.
“The hilarious and heart-rending chaos that erupts transcends cliché. A scene in which two Holocaust survivors clutch together in an illicit embrace passes from broad comedy to wrenching pathos to stark horror, and the performances, especially from the changeling-like Port, haunt the memory.”
– Peter Keough, Boston Phoenix
“The film's performances are uniformly outstanding. Rami Heuberger gives one of the best leading performances I've ever seen in an Israeli film as the emotionally wounded father. Yavgenia Dodina the celebrated stage actress who began her career in Russia is pitch-perfect as the mother who can seem cold but is simply adept at survival. It's the kind of naturalistic low-key acting that is easy to overlook because it feels so real.” – Hannah Brown, Jerusalem Post
“Dear Mr. Waldman is about compassion, family relationships and loss. It is about death and resurrection, and about the ghosts we carry around in our hearts.”
– Susan Jacobs, Jewish Journal
World Jewish Digest, October 2007 (pdf)EXTERNAL LINKS
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Dear Mr. Waldman
Michtavim Le AmericaIsrael, 2006, 86 minutes, color
Hebrew with English subtitles
Written and Directed by
Hanan PeledPublic Exhibition formats: 35mm, Beta, DVD