Washington DC Jewish Film Festival (1996)
Jerusalem Film Festival (1996)
Journey into Life follows the struggles of three concentration camp survivors (Yehuda Bacon of Israel, Gerhard Durlacher of the Netherlands, and Ruth Kluger of the United States) to rebuild their lives after World War II. In on-camera interviews, these extraordinary individuals discuss their childhood memories of Auschwitz, internment in Displaced Persons camps, and their search for a new homeland after World War II.
Using U.S. Army archival footage to illustrate these powerful stories, Mitscherlich's film focuses on the subjects' attempts to cope with the psychological trauma of their experiences and to comprehend the meaning of the Holocaust.
Home Use DVD:
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Classroom/Library Use DVD: $350
Does not include Public Performance Rights. More Information
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Journey Into Life: Aftermath of a Childhood in Auschwitz
Germany, 1996, 130 minutes, color
German with English subtitles
Directed by Thomas MitscherlichPublic Exhibition formats: 16mm, Beta, DVD