BEST INDEPENDENT DOCUMENTARY DuPont-Columbia Awards for Broadcast Journalism
Le Chambon-sur-Lignon was a tiny Protestant farming village in the mountains of South-Central France. Defying the Nazis and the French government that was collaborating with the Nazis, the villagers of the area of Le Chambon provided a safe haven throughout the war for whoever knocked on their door.
Most of the villagers were proud descendants of the Huguenots, first Protestants in Catholic France. They remembered their own history of persecution, and it mattered to them. They also read the Bible, and tried to heed the admonition to love your neighbor as yourself.
“The responsibility of Christians,” their pastor, André Trocmé, had reminded them the day after France surrendered to Nazi Germany, “is to resist the violence that will be brought to bear on their consciences through the weapons of the spirit.”
There were many other uncelebrated individual and collective acts of goodwill and righteousness throughout the dark war years. But nowhere else did a persistent and successful moral consensus develop on a scale approaching what happened in the area of Le Chambon.
Released theatrically in 1989 in over 50 major markets, selected for over 20 film festivals, the highly acclaimed feature documentary was the recipient of many awards, including the prestigious DuPont-Columbia University Award in Broadcast Journalism.
"…I cannot get your film out of my mind. It stirred me as few experiences have in a long time."
- Bill Moyers, PBS
"An inquiry into the nature of goodness and a personal odyssey. Moving and provocative.. Enormously uplifting."
- David Ansen, Newsweek
Weapons of the Spirit
USA, 1989, 90 minutes, Color, English and French with English subtitles
Directed by Pierre SauvagePublic Exhibition 35MM, 16MM Rental available