Tickets for Screenings at West Newton Cinema

For tickets to screenings at the MFA or ICA, return to Films
& Tickets.
White: A Memoir in Color
Sunday, April 29, 12:00 pm |
General Admission $11
(plus $1 credit card processing fee per ticket)
Senior/ Student Admission $9
(plus $1 credit card processing fee per ticket)
In Heaven, Underground
Sunday, April 29, 2:15 pm |
General Admission $11
(plus $1 credit card processing fee per ticket)
Senior/ Student Admission $9
(plus $1 credit card processing fee per ticket)
Love During Wartime
Sunday, April 29, 4:45 pm |
General Admission $11
(plus $1 credit card processing fee per ticket)
Senior/ Student Admission $9
(plus $1 credit card processing fee per ticket)
The Policeman
Sunday, April 29, 7:15 pm |
General Admission $11
(plus $1 credit card processing fee per ticket)
Senior/ Student Admission $9
(plus $1 credit card processing fee per ticket)