Jewish Film Showcase offers an exciting slate of new feature documentary films telling vibrant stories from around the world. Curated as a mini film festival, the Showcase presents three award-winning films, each exploring a dynamic story rich in history, art, and culture. Paraphrasing one of this year's protagonists, these films reach deep into history and bring something back.
These richly told and beautifully photographed films come to public television fresh from successful film festival runs. From the treacherous terrain of the American West in the 1850s, to the front lines and refugee ships of WWII, to contemporary Poland in the shadow of 1000 years of Jewish history, each film explores the power of art to crystalize the present, shape the future, and recover the past.
Jewish Film Showcase is curated and presented by The National Center for Jewish Film, a unique, independent non-profit film archive, distributor, and exhibitor. The Center's archive of Jewish-content films is one of the world's largest and includes rare home movies, silent, vaudeville, institutional, and Yiddish language films. The Center is also a major distributor and exhibitor of new independent cinema.
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